Office of the Registrar

NEFTU – North East Frontier Technical University
Dear Students, NEFTU is having only one website which is updated in UGC website . . We came to know that there are some fake website circulating through social media . Please be aware of the same . In our website there is no tag for verification , fake website using tag "verification"
Note:- NEFTU is not conducting any online examination and all examinations and programmes conducted at NEFTU campus , Aalo , Arunachal Pradesh only
Note:- Some features are not available online right now,
as our website is under upgradation.
if any support needed please call on 9436222444 or mail us on
Important Direction to the students:- Inner Line Permit (ILP):
For Indian other than native of Arunachal Pradesh, ILP is required for entering into any part of Arunachal Pradesh, ILP is issued by the designated authories of Arunachal Pradesh Government.
You can apply here