Education is the manifestation of perfection already in man
Swami Vivekananda
Academic Depository Review Meeting Conducted At RGU
Rono Hills, Jul 5: A state level one day review meeting of the National Academic Depository (NAD) was held today at Rajiv Gandhi University attended b
B.Voc Programmes
B.Voc or Bachelor of Vocational Studies or simply Bachelor of Vocation is a new aged method of education.
Approved by University Grants Commissio
Academic Programmes
In tune with the vision of institute the teaching methodology adheres to interactive modes of teaching with emphasis on practical aspec
Government Recognitions and Approvals, NEFTU and the Degrees awarded by them are recognized by the UGC.
Government Recognitions and Approvals
NEFTU-B.Voc Programmes
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Legal Aspects of Law
Integer rhoncus eget ante ut condimentum. Vestibulum sit amet est ut sem lobortis varius a ac neque. Etiam nec elementum nulla. Ut vel sodales risus,
Trade Management
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Food and Beverage Management
Mauris ipsum nunc, auctor ut diam quis, pellentesque sollicitudin risus. Ut consequat et sapien in posuere. Nulla facilisi. Mauris eleifend orci in fe