
The nearest airport to Aalo is at Pasighat, which is situated in East Siang district. Pasighat Airport is connected by flight services to Guwahati and Kolkata. One can take a bus or hire a cab/taxi from Pasighat to Aalo.
The nearest Railway Station is Murkongselek Railway Station which is connected to all the major cities of Arunachal Pradesh and 131 Kms from the city.
Regular bus services to Aalo are available from Itanagar. Arunachal Pradesh State Transport Service (APSTS) buses are available to and from Aalo. There are also buses from Pasighat (106 km) and Moying (150 km).
North East Frontier Technical University in Aalo West Siang district is one of the best university to pursue higher education and other professional courses. I did my B.Ed from this…Ngade lombi
I am Mr. Marba Basar a recent alumni of NEFTU. I am from the batch 2022-2024(Bachelors in Education). I have recently completed my degree from this prestigious university. It has…Marba Basar
I miss chimpi borah a student of NEFTU 2022-2024 B. EdBatch. was the most amazing 2 years of my life yet .This university lives up to everything it offers. The…Chimpi borah
It is great privilege me to express my short experience during the llb course. That I feel great full to the neftu where I had been a law graduate and…Dejar Poyom. LLB.
Neftu is university, when I embark on trips into its maiden vogue with reasonable fare and fees. It is the university which highly extant philanthropic support from heir end to…Minli Doji. LLB.
A FEW WORDS ABOUT NEFTU (my write up ). it gives me immense pleasure of being one of the first batch LLB /law graduates from the North East Frontier Technical…Tashi Yangi. LLB.