It gives me immense strength and pleasure to bring out the present prospectus of North East Frontier Technical University (NEFTU), Aalo, West Siang, Arunachal Pradesh.
NEFTU is envisaged as an excellent centre, where knowledge and empowering career go hand in hand. The institution strives hard for quality education which cannot be measured by quantity assessment alone. The sponsor may be private, but the students are not private, education is not private. The University’s vision is to bring light to darkness, knowledge and bliss to the ignorant. Apart from offering traditional courses in both technical and humanities, the University has also tied up with the Department of Skill Development, Government of Arunachal Pradesh, as Training Provider (TP) on selective skill programs.
NEFTU will also introduce DigiLocker, the product developed by the Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology (MEITY), Government of India. This will facilitate the access to documents of all kinds including the certificates and mark sheets of any institutions. Where the roads are being damaged in the process of creating National Highway, the parents and students are facing untold miseries to move out of the State from the interior places of Arunachal Pradesh in search of quality educational institutions. In such a situation, the existence of NEFTU in the interior heart of Arunachal Pradesh has become a solace to the people of the State.
My sincere suggestion to the parents is to put their wards in NEFTU at Aalo. When the quality education with best of equipments has reached the door why risk moving out and waste money and energy. NEFTU at Aalo provides Hostels for boys and girls. Faculty members are drawn from all over India. Arunachalees are also being engaged on merit basis.
I appreciate the team work and the dedication by which the present prospectus could take birth with a renewed vision.

Vice Chancellor Neftu,
(Former Director of Higher and Technical Education, Govt of Arunachal Pradesh.)